Good morning,
i try to Execute Stored Procedure in my OnButtonPressed Script for assign ( toDoList) any efolder to my (processContext.Username)
Connection : MetastormDefault
Parameters: "@p_;userName=" + ProcessContext.UserName + ", @p_;folderID=" + Local.FolderID + ", @p_;alertType=" + Local.alertType
The problem is that Local.alertType value ' ' and i get this error:
Exception 'ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("METASTORMBPM"."EALERT"."EALERTTYPE")
ORA-06512: at "METASTORMBPM.MBPM_ADMIN", line 531
ORA-06512: at line 1' occurred when attempting to 'Execute stored procedure'.
I think that Execute Stored Procedure script trim a space character in the parameters.
Is this a bug ?
Someone know this defect ?