I've figured out the majority of the designers quirks when it comes to error messages.
One of the biggest is how regardless of what the Messages window tells you it's generally just the last error that is causing the problem. Once I receive an error I move my mouse over to the red X circle on the bottom right and hover. If you click the tooltip it will give you the actual error causing all of the other cascading errors.
But when it comes to deploying I can't decipher how to tackle the errors. As an example:
I have a library that is used by 4 other solutions. The library deploys fine and imports to the solutions without trouble.
The solution shows a green check mark so it allows me to deploy.
The deployment goes through the basic warning messages then stutters for a bit before dropping these errors:
Error 9/3/2013 1:45:37 PM PROJECTNAME Cannot implicitly convert type 'string[]' to 'string[][]' 102 20
Now I understand what the error means, but I have no idea where this is occurring. Our library is large and our solutions larger. I can only assume it is the library causing the issue since it happens in multiple solutions. I will probably hunt this error down eventually but only in a trial and un-error manner.
So I guess my question is if anyone has tips for debugging errors with out the 'Component' column filled out. Furthermore, is there any plans for the designer to eliminate error messages without a Component attached to it? I know the component only refers to actual workflow elements, but what about server side scripts?
Should the columns 'Line No' or 'Column No' in the error give me any insight?