When using IE9 (and perhaps IE8, and not sure of other browsers), when you hover over the tabs on a folder, action buttons on a folder, or links on the form itself, "hover text" listing the URL of the action/tab/link displays over the action buttons.
My understanding this hover text is an IE "feature", with little means of getting around it. If anybody knows different, I'd be interested to know more.
However, if the folder opened with a status bar at the bottom of the screen, this "hover text" display in the bar instead. I'm not aware of a way to directly control if a status bar displays when a form is opened (from the To Do list anyway). Is there a means, ideally supported, or preventing these hover texts or having a status bar on opened forms?
(We are an IE shop, at least as our primary browser, so we can't switch the entire Firm to other browsers.)