Configuring MBPM Application Server to use a centralized SMTP server

Hi all,


I am having trouble setting up our MBPM Application Server to use our company's centralized SMTP server.


Using IIS manager 7.5 I specified the details of our SMTP server. When this alone didn't work, I used IIS Manager 6.0 to enable a relay with the ip address of on the local "virtual SMTP".  One note I saw by googling is that System.Web.Mail should be used instead of System.Net.Mail. Where can one make this change?


Also, found some suggestions in the administration guide for setting up Mail Connector registry parameters - but this appears to be for using a local SMTP instance instead of an external one.


Is there any documentation on setting up the MBPM Application server to use an external SMTP server?


If not, has anyone who has done it successfully willing to share the steps they took?


Many Thanks!  Jane




  • Hi Jane,

    The smtp setting is within the Metastorm registry (regedit).
    You should be able to find it in:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->(for 64bit WOW6432Node)->Metastorm->e-work->Engine->SMTP->Host Name
    Configuring these settings correctly should do the trick with an external SMTP server.


  • Thank you, Ryan! Jane


    I've got it up and running now.  Also, heard from support and will include their response here. Evidentlyset up for  versions 9.0 and 9.1 are done differently:


    ? The SMTP configuration changed between 9.0.x and 9.1.x so there are two possible methods depending on your version:


    In 9.1.x or higher, the following registry key is used to configure email:




    The "delivery method" can be changed to "network" and "host name" can be filled in with your corporate mail server.


    In 9.0.x an older email method is used. You will need to configure the local SMTP server (using IIS 6.0 as you mentioned) to setup a smart host connection to the corporate mail server.