I hope this is the correct place to raise this (while I hunt for our support contact).
I'm running a clustered pair of MetaStorm BPM servers at versions:
Install Build -
Web Build -
A couple of months ago a user started complaining about an occasional failure of a work-flow she was using. Certain content wasn't being created / attached. The server showed the below error in event log:
Error 17 on source: Metastorm Process Engine
"The print merge failed with the message 'Type mismatch.'. Error code = %2."
The user inputs dozens of these workflows a day and might get this once in the middle of a batch. The data is valid because if the item is resaved (without any changes) the print merge occurs correctly.
Can anyone offer any advice on this please? It's only occuring on one of the two servers in the cluster (thankfully). I wonder if it's related to windows updates because this started to occur when this server got a back-log of windows updates applied to it. The other server doesn't yet have the back-log of updates applied.
Thanks in advance.