On a "web client" URL, it is possible to pass in parameters for values on the form on the URL line. e.g.:
... such as ... &FilterParams=Target_User;JP123456;Text
This sets the field/variable Target_User with the value JP123456. (Variable name is as an example.)
Is there similar capability when opening via the BPMmobile URL and if so what is the syntax to pass in a form variable? FilterParams doesn't seem to work.
If this not possible using MBPM mobile, I am going to have to abandon using Mobile to collect responses for several processes, which I'd rather not do. (I'd rather use "native" MBPM capabilities verses exposing actions via web services and writing external applications to handle this.)
Users need to be able to click on a link from an email, collect the response, and update, or raise a flag, in the appropriate target folder.