Are timed events recurring? I want to set a timed event to repeat until a condition is met for a stage.
Is it possible to do that in Metastorm?
Not exactly sure what you mean by recurring, but I'll hazard a guess since I do something similar.
Your timed action can repeat based upon any date/time event. For instance I do the following in one case:
I have a loop back action in a stage (even a common stage if appropriate), its timed event is "ProcessContext.WhenFolderLastUpdated". I do this to check on the status of a remote event while in this stage. Once the exit condition is met, the folder leaves the stage. When the exit condition isn't met, the timer reschedules itself for the indicated duration.
This can be a built-in event such as WhenFolderLastUpdate or WhenStageStarted, or it can be your own date/time ... though you'll probably want to recalculate the next date/time in your loop back action.