Renaming a variable

Hoping someone here has done something of this sort before, and can provide some sanity check or advice 

Usecase: I need to rename 2 variables in a procedure. They have values, and are currently used on timers (and have corresponding eWait entries).

Problem: Metastorm doesn’t let you “rename”. If you rename a variable in the procedure, it just creates a new column in the DB, with default NULL for all old folders on that new column 

What I’m considering:

  • Rename the variables, change the timers to reference the new variables, change all scripts to reference the new variables
  • After procedure publish, run an SQL statement to copy the old variables values over to the new one – so any processes in flight don’t fail
  • Verify eWait entries before and after publish to make sure it didn’t change

What I’m not sure of (metastorm behavior):

  • Will metastorm update eWait entries on publish because I updated the variable (unlikely)
  • Will metastorm kick up some new “feature” due to the rename 
  • Am I missing anything else?