Metastorm If statement issues
I am having issues with using the metastorm If statement. The If(conditon, case for true, case for false) is used to assign a variable. The code has been working but recently, when the project was opened on another machine with the same metastorm version or when a library is updated I would get this error: Cannot implicitly convert type object to ... when deploying or validating. It was working before so why did it stop working now? I can go back and change those If statements to the regular c# if statement but I would have to change it in lots of other places as well. It would be helpful to know why it's doing this.
Does your procedure use external libraries/DLLs ? If yes that may be the cause of this error.
Metastorm errors are RARELY (if ever) sensible. A missing DLL on your CustomLib folder (Designer\CustomLib) can throw all kinds of other errors. The fact that the only change you seem to have done is open it from another machine points to this being the cause.
Copy your customLib folder to that other machine's designer folder and then try - i suspect that will work.
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