Passing data between Admin Forms
Hi all,
I have an admin form "A" with a command button "CB" and a second form "B".
I want that when users press the button "CB" the second admin form is displayed and relevant data is passed on form "B".
My situation is the following:
- I set the "CB" to initiate a process, specified the Process Name and Action correctly, but it seems to work intermittently, and when it doesn't, I get the error message:
"Stored procedure 'esp_creation_action' failed."
Any ideas on what could be happening or is this frequent?
- When in the "CB" on the property "When button pressed", I try to set the cookies as follows, nothings happens, not opening admin form "B" or getting any other error message:
SetCookieFromField( "FieldName", GetField("FieldName","") );
Am I missing something here? I've looked around and didn't;'t seem to find much on cookies, or I don't know if something has changed since we are on V 9.2
Thanks in advance,
Looks like you are using our library. I am pretty certain you should not be using GetField() in the second paramter if you are. Come to our forums for more help if needed.
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Check out Status fields. They're a good (but weirdly named) way of passing data between forms and processes. Using the drilldown option on status field, you can select the admin form and also pass variables to the admin form.
Note that you can only pass values to fields that are placed on the admin form (could be hidden fields).
Also Note, the values are passed using URL string, so you might want to escape the values before sending (encodeURIComponent)
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