Version 9.3 / Query Business Object using IN (@Parameter)
I'm populationg a grid with the following bo/Query:
FROM Company, People
left(Company.CP,2) IN (@memDpts).
The local variable memDpts is a memo populated using a List field on the form and is bound with @memDpts.
This work fine only if @memDpts is a single value ("65" for example).
What syntax, type ,... should I use to make it work with a list (really using the IN), I tried many things (add quotes , commas, double quotes,...), but I can't fix it.
Thanks for help.
I never got IN clauses to work well when the are in put parameters. (They work fine for constants or in-line code.)
The only way I've sort of gotten around this is to wrap the whole SQL inside an EXEC where so the string can use + to build up the entire query as desired. I've not gotten that to work very well very often, and I seem to lose the ability to use it on grids as the fields are no longer "available". (Or I'm doing something wrong, which is quite possible.)
I believe Jerome has suggested elsewhere (here and/or his web site) to insert the keys / folders / values into a temporary table and join or used that table in your IN clause for your list. (Actually this may resolve similar issues I've not looped back to yet ...)
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