Using Metastorm BPM 7.6.
I have written a VBScript function that saves a comment in a table in another system's database. This comment includes the value of the %Action.Notes variable, which was populated from user input during the action the VBScript function is called from. The value can be multiple lines, i.e., the user can enter newlines (CR+LF) in the note.
When I have tried to call the function like so:
%Script(VBScript,,%Procedure.Name,%MapName,"InsertComment %"%ItemNumber%", %"%MapName%", %"%StageName%", %"%Action.Name%", %"%User.Name%", %"%Action.Notes%"")
the call fails and following message appears in the eLog table:
Unable to execute specified script. Reason 'Error(-2146827255) : Unterminated string constant, at line x, character x. Source: InsertComment "1001", "MapName", "StageName", "Add Comment", "abc", "a.' Procedure Script call failed. Position: x
where the newline appears right after the "a" in the 6th parameter. The rest of the call is cut off.
What is the way the pass parameter values with newlines to a VBScript function? Or is this not even possible?