TempoBox Login problems

Hi guys,
I have an existing Opentext xECM install, that I'm trying to set up TempoBox on.
I've completed all the steps in the install document, including installing Appworks Gateway 1.1.6, the TempoBox bundle, activated the various appworks software components, etc.
I've set it up to authenticate against an existing OTDS install.

The only login, to appworks server/webaccess/ that works is the OTDS admin id (otadmin@otds.admin). All other logins, including the default OTAG/OTAG credentials, reverts back to the home page. No errors, but no login.

The catalina log shows:

May 25, 2015 8:43:07 AM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent filterFormParameters
WARNING: A servlet request, to the URI http://otasdev1.enwin.util:8080/gateway/v1/auth, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.

Any help or hints anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Andy,

    So the symptom is you go to the web access login page and when you enter the credentials the login page reloads?

    Check the following

    The user you are trying to login with has a tempo box volume in content server
    The partition that the user is a member of is part of the access role for both the resource of Appworks and also content server
    Also in AppWorks less than version 1.2.x the user you login with must match how the user is stored in the content server kuaf database table
    For example if the users are created in content server as otexternalid1 , bsmith, you will have to use that in the login form as all other login formats for otds will not work and the login page will reload

    This issue does not exist in Appworks 1.2.0 and 1.2.1

  • Thanks Simon.
    I'll go and check out your tips in a sec; just wanted to elaborate on your question about the symptom. The symptom is, when you enter the credentials for any user besides the otadmin user, the screen goes to the processing screen (for lack of a better term - the dotted swirl), and then reverts back to the login screen again.


  • So here's what I've done;
    I've added the user partitions plus my user ID to the "Access to OTAG" access role.
    That access role is already added to the "OTAG" resource.
    I've run the consolidation.

    Again, the only ID that works is the otadmin ID.
    Now, all others including my own, the login page reloads and hangs with the "Sign In" button changed to "Signing In..." and is greyed out.


  • Hi Andy,

    The user who fails to login to tempo web ui can they login to the content server ui ok?

    Any errors in the otds logs ?


  • Hey Simon,
    Wanted to thank you for the suggestions. I figured it out.
    Problem was two-fold; firstly, the OTDS config wasn't quite right, as you mentioned, the user partitions needed to be added to the Access to OTAG role, which tied to the OTAG resource.
    Secondly, I had an issue during the config of being unable to add the content server as a trusted server. Logging in to OTAG with the user with admin content server privileges (otadmin) solved that issue.

    thanks again,

  • Hi Andy

    No problem at all glad i could help
