SSL - Configuring Gateway Content Server URL
Hey there
Having fun and games trying to get Tempo Box / CS10.5 / Content Service 10.5.20 configured with SSL. When I configure the Gateway (v1.2.0) >General Settings >Content Server URL I'm unable to define HTTPS as the Content Server i.e. https://server/OTCS/cs. This is the SEA instance of CS10.5. The message it shows is "Failed to Connect to Content Server". If I reset the URL to http://server/otcs/cs it is successful. The logs aren't showing much; - - [01/Jun/2015:23:10:54 +1200] "GET /gateway/v1/setup?url=https://Server/OTCS/cs&otagtoken=e95c8c3c-9128-4cbd-9ab7-a4477e298673&cstoken=3r%252BMnVJiXK4bC9UrAWvpeffw0VtzkC6U%252Frmj6NRtHsxi7HCBYXZ8moxYuhx8rrJg&_=1433157054636 HTTP/1.1" 200 110 - - [01/Jun/2015:22:58:13 +1200] "GET /gateway/v1/setup?url=http://Server/OTCS/cs&otagtoken=e95c8c3c-9128-4cbd-9ab7-a4477e298673&cstoken=3r%252BMnVJiXK4bC9UrAWvpeffw0VtzkC6U%252Frmj6NRtHsxi7HCBYXZ8moxYuhx8rrJg&_=1433156293271 HTTP/1.1" 200 57
Keen to know if anyone else has experienced this?
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