SSL - Configuring Gateway OTDS Server URL
Hi Again
This time a question re. the Settings >Advanced Settings >OTDS url.
Our configuration consists of a server in the DMZ. This has Apache 2.4 / Tomcat 7.0.54. Apache listens on port 443 and port 80 and we have a range Proxy Settings that manage the proxying to various locations i.e.Apache Proxies OTCS / webaccess / gateway / otdsws. These mappings appear to work aok, I can get access to everything but..... OTDS resides on the LAN, it uses port 8443/8080 which we have opened and we are able to authenticate to - kind of ....
So the question regarding the OTDS url, is does anyone else have issues pointing the url to the DMZ server with Apache managing the proxy to the OTDS on the LAN?
Our DMZ Apache listening on 443, is proxying everything that has /otdsws to our mapped location ProxyPass /otdsws https://internal server:8443/otdsws
ProxyPass /otds-v2 https://internal server:8443/otds-v2
(Reverse Proxy settings are there also) I have set the OTDS url to https://dmz server - This works ok for a while but seems to break fairly easily and subsequently wont allow login to OTAG. I have to reset the OTDS URL at the database level to point directly to the LAN server and port. Once that has been done I get OTAG login again.
Thanks in advance everyone.
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