I am using Metastorm 9.x
My objective is to allow the user to select a list of names from a grid and as they select the names it populates another grid showing them the names they have chosen or that already exist previously for the field that these names will reside in. The field (call it SelectedNames) will have the names listed as such (name1, name3, name2, ...) The simplest way I can make this work is to open up another form (or a sub form) that shows these two grids where they can either remove names from the 'selected names grid' or add names to the selected names grid by dbl clicking on the available names grid. When they are done, the can either submit or close the form which then would take the names in the selected names grid and concatenate them into the initial field on the main form. There are 5 rows of 'selected names' that they can add or remove names from. So I would like to do this in a clean way and thought doing this (manipulation of the names) in a separate form would be the easiest rather than having two grids appear on the main form when a button is clicked - plus I don't really have a good way of them submitting/canceling the process unless I do this all in a separate form. Or does anyone have a better way to do this? Otherwise my main question is how can I use a command button to 'open' up this 2nd form that has the 2 grids in it. OR is it easier to just have a subform layered on the main form that is initially hidden but appears when the button is clicked?