Change the text when you hover over the Submit button (default check ) at the bottom of forms

We would like to change the verbiage to say 'Save' instead of Submit when you hover over the check mark at the bottom of forms.
I found the CSS code in the CombinedCSSs.css file but it only references the gif files when you hover over to change color.
How can you change the verbiage that pops up to say 'Save'?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • If we are discussing MBPM v9.x then this is covered under the localization features.

    Check out the Localization Guide for the version on you are using. Basically in the MBPM Web Client there is a BpmResources.resx file that contains the caption values for the Web Client itself.

  • You can update the text through editing the resx file found under BPM\Web\App_GlobalResources. With the resx file BPMResources.resx opened, you can use CTRL + F to search for the keyword Submit. Then, you can proceed to edit the text, for example Submit updated to Save. You will need to save the changes made and test in the front-end accordingly.