User password expired in Tempo Box
Hello, I have strange behavior with authentication. Some users can login to tempobox /webaccess without problems, but some users can't - login page refreshing.
For users, who can't login I see response for POST http://localhost/content/FrontChannel:
These users can successfully log in to Content Server. If user is Admin in CS - he can log in to /gateway (Appworks gateway administration), but he can't log in to /webaccess.
The environment is:
Content Server 10 Update 2015-12 (version OTDS 10.2.1 Appworks Gateway v1.2.1 TempoBox 10.5.20 Content Server is Configured to use OTDS authentication. Appworks Gateway is installed with it's own OTDS Appworks Gateway is configured (via server.xml) to use CS authentication Password expiration is turned off in CS.
Can someone give an advice where to check password expirity or tell what causes passwordExpired exception code?
Thanks for any help in advance.
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