TempoBox Not Loading in Browser


After a fresh install, I cannot get the TempoBox Web Client to load when called from Content Server i.e. Personal > TempoBox. It just shows an empty page. I can see that the TempoBox deployment in OTAG has worked as if I disable the content service, I can see the disabled warning in the browser. (screen shots below)

My only thoughts are now that my user is;

1 - Not licensed for Tempo - My last experience with Tempo a few years ago didn't require any license to be added into Content Server, but is it now required to be loaded into OTDS?

2 - My user does not have access to the OTAG resource via OTDS - although I am not new OTDS and it looks good to me.

Any opinions on what I can do to understand the issue and ultimately resolved?

Web Client Not Loading
Content Service Disabled
Disabled Message

Thank you - M


  • Hi Matt

    If your user didn't have access to the OTAG or Content Server resource in OTDS you would see an error in the otds directory-access.log
    Do you have any errors in the content service log in the AppWorks tomcat logs directory

    Do you have a support ticket open with OpenText support for this as they can help you out



  • Thanks Simon - there is no error present in the directory-access log for OTDS or any of the OTAG logs. Any other ideas? Cheers - M.

  • It's been a while, but I remember white screen for Tempo as the user not having a tempo workspace folder created in Content Server. Have you done the step to provision all users, or specific users, with tempo box folders in content service admin pages in Content Server?