appworks desktop client can't connect to gateway


I set up gateway 16.2.3 along with OTDS 16.2.2 and succeed to login via browser.
But the desktop client v16.2.0.3 could't connect to the gateway. The error message only says

Unable to connect at this time.

There appears to be an internet or server connection issue.

The gateway, OTDS and desktop client are in the same LAN. Is there any approach to troubleshoot the issue?



  • HI

    I assume you are using the default authentication settings on the General settings page of the AppWorks Gateway Admin UI i.e you are using oAuth authentication

    Also on the machine where you have the desktop client installed open a normal browser and navigate to http://appworks-server-url:port/v3/admin/auth/loginurl

    In the response to that you should see two results

    The one that is key here is the value of loginURL as that is the URL the Desktop client tries to load on launch

    So when you have that value try calling it in a desktop browser and you shoudl get the OTDS login page proxied via the AppWorks gateway

    Hope that helps


  • Hi Simon,

    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Now the desktop client redirects to the OTDS login page and I can login with the default account "otag".
    After login, I can see an additional menu item "App Library" in the desktop client, but still the same error message shows in the window.

    enter image description here


  • Hi Chen

    Ok so problem one solved then

    Next question

    Do you have any apps installed and enabled on your AppWorks Gateway that are type Desktop ?

    In the file for the app you wish to use in the Desktop client it MUST have type Desktop or app, desktop defined


    displayName=Test App
    description=AppWorks App that is type Desktop and Mobile
    type=app, desktop



  • HI Simon,

    The problem is resolved after specifying the type "desktop".
    Really appreciate your help!



  • Hi Chen

    You are most welcome


  • Hi Simon,

    Thanks for your help on AWG topics. I was able to follow your suggestion to Chen and have my Mobile App (with "desktop" added to type) listed on my Desktop client. But that application does not run. It just displays static HTML page.

    Is there a way to debug, why it is not making calls to AWG (like my mobile app does)? Is there a sample Desktop App that we can use as reference for my implementation?


  • Hi

    You could debug the network calls using a network sniffer like Wireshark if desktop and Gateway are on different machines

    As for a test app you could use the Starter app created via the AppWorks CLI as detailed on and then update its file to set the type as app , desktop as shown above in a previous response from me



  • Thanks Simon. It looks like there is some script error as I do not see any request going.