I am trying to configure Appworks against OTDS using 'Configure OTDS' but I get an error that OTDS setup did not complete successfully:
This is the error in the gateway-otag.log file:
2017-11-20 10:51:25,3822017-11-20T10:51:25,382 [http-nio-8443-exec-14] ERROR service.impl.SetupBeanImpl - We were unable to use the provided OTDS configuration details, Already connected
javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException: Already connected
I initially created an existing setup with Appworks and successfully set this up against an External OTDS. However, I need to do a re-install so I dropped the db and connected to the DB successfully but for the OTDS setup it still thinks there is a connection setup. Where is this stored? I deleted the information in OTDS for Resources and Partition created from the previous install. But it looks like this is stored locally somewhere. What do I need to clean up to try and re-created the information in the external OTDS.
I am using Appworks 16.3 against OTDS 16.
Hope you can help.