Metastorm BPMMobile No Grids


For some reason none of my forms with Grids on show the grids in the mobile site, is there a configuration item I am missing somewhere?

Version: 9.4




  • I have answered my own question :)

    If you have deploted processes with a previous version of BPM Mobile (v2) and are now using a newer version you need to redeploy your processes so that the mobi forms get updated or the new controls/features will not be on your form.

    hope this helps someone.

  • I have answered my own question :)

    If you have deploted processes with a previous version of BPM Mobile (v2) and are now using a newer version you need to redeploy your processes so that the mobi forms get updated or the new controls/features will not be on your form.

    hope this helps someone.