Content server language package
Dear all,
I am newbie with Opentext.I was wandering if there is some user interface for adding new language package for Content server witch does not already exist.I would like to implement a new one and am in need for an information if there an other way to translate whole Content server than by hand.
Grateful in advance for suggestions,
Marko Trmcic
There is a good guide at, and several languages are supported by default as per the guide.
Additional language packs can be created if required.
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FYI, Cassia develops language packs using professional translation for both the help files and or interface for language currently not supported by OpenText. Visit our website for more information:
Currently the OpenText Supported Languages for Content Server are Arabic, Catalan, German, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional).
FYI, Cassia has language packs for Czech, Croatian and Slovakian available.
Note: other products like the Extended ECM for OpenText widget on the Salesforce AppExchange (not to be confused with OpenText Extended ECM for Salesforce) only supports 10 of the above 17 languages. If you are looking at xECM integration there may be a need for custom language pack development.
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