Appworks Setup Issues
I'm facing issues while setting up the Appworks Gateway installation. I have installed Appworks Gateway 16.3.1, JDK 1.8.144 and Tomcat 8.0.47. When i launch the browser using http://localhost:8080/gateway tomcat logs are throwing the exceptions below.
from gateway-otag log#
ERROR services.impl.PersistenceServiceImpl - We were unable to create
the database connection. No file defined.
com.opentext.otag.exception.DBException: No file
defined. at
~[classes/:?] at
At the same time i can see from gateway log file the below error#
2018-02-03 16:19:42,6682018-02-03T16:19:42,668 [Thread-6] INFO
service.impl.StatusBeanImpl - ==Attempting to jump starting Gateway
services, this node may already be configured 2018-02-03
16:19:42,6682018-02-03T16:19:42,668 [Thread-6] ERROR
service.impl.StatusBeanImpl - Jump start failed, the Gateway may not
be setup yet com.opentext.otag.exception.OTAGException: We were unable
to create the database connection. No file
defined.No file defined.
Appreciate if some one helps out
Those logs entries are expected as the gateway database connection has not yet been setup , as you haven't got that far in the setup process.On startup the gateway looks for the file which it needs to decrypt the contents of to connect to its database if it can't find the file it assumes its a new install and will start the setup process.
Dont use localhost use the IP or FQDN of the host upon which you are running the Gateway Tomcat on when trying to access the gateway in a browser.
If you are unsure of the hostname the gateway has been given take a look in the Tomcat. Catalina log and early on in the startup process you should see the hostname Tomcat has advised the gateway of so use that
Hope that helps
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Thanks Simon for your quick response, it worked with IP address.
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Yes sure
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