How to change connection in AppWorks Desktop on Mac OSX


I have downloaded AppWorks Desktop from Resources(

I like to change the connection. I can't find any option to change the connection.
I did uninstall (by moving it from Application to Trash) and reinstall, still it try to connect with previous connection.

Does anyone know ho to change/remove previous connection settings?

Thank you,



  • Hi

    If you log out of the Desktop client and go back to the setup page you should be able to change the AppWorks GateWay URL this desktop client connects to

    The Desktop client ,like the mobile clients , should only allow the user to change the Gateway URL when they are logged out



  • Hi Simon Day,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. There is no logout or any setup page. As I open I got message "Unable to connect at this time."

    There appears to be an internet or server connection issue. with 'Reload' button only.
    enter image description here

  • Hi Simon,

    I found setup page which is on top-right corner of window under dropdown menu with 'down arrow'.
    Thank you for pointing me to the the setup page, now I can change the Server Address. I appreciate your response.

    I'm looking for AppWorks Desktop user guide, which can help me how to use the desktop client.

    Thank you,


  • Hi

    No problem at all

    The desktop client uses AppWorks HTML5 hybrid apps that are of type desktop and one of them will need to be installed and enabled on the Gateway to which your desktop client is connected

    Have a look at the AppWorks 16 Quick Start Page , on the homepage of this site @



  • Hello Simon,

    Thanks for reply.

    As you wrote :

    AppWorks HTML5 hybrid apps that are of type desktop and one of them will need to be installed and enabled on the Gateway to which your
    desktop client is connected

    Do you mean I need to install some other app? I have installed OpenText AppWorks Gateway from Developer site and configured using Tomcat. I also configured OpenText Directory Services. Please advice me what I'm missing here to use AppWorks Desktop.

    Thank you,
