AppWorks 16.4 OTDS connection fails with NoSuchFieldException: method
Hi all
We are trying to install AppWorks Gateway 16.4.0 at our customer's side.
After successful connection to the MSSQL 2016 SP2 database, we want to connect to the existing OTDS 16.2.2 installation.
The AWG installation wizard starts to create OTDS components, but suddenly fails when trying to create OAuth Partition member with error java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: method.
Please find log files and screenshots on this case uploaded to WeTransfer:
Screenshots show our database and OTDS configuration in AWG and screenshots of what the AWG installer has created in OTDS.
Log files are taken from Tomcat 9.0.6 running AWG.
Any ideas of what might have gone wrong?
Kind regards,
Bart Maes
Hello Bart,
I'm not sure exactly what happened here - I would need to look at your OTDS logs to determine that. However, I think I can get you working without that. Please delete OTAG_ACC resource and otag_acc partition and try again. To be sure, also drop and recreate your DB schema too. Please leave in place the otag_acc-otagOAuthClient to get around this problem.
Let me know if that helps.
Pete.0 -
Hi Pete
I already tried deleting all objects created by the OTAG installer and deleting all database tables.
However, I always included the otag_acc-otagOAuthClient in my delete operation.Good news is that your solution of leaving the OAuth Client actually worked!
Here is what I did in detail:
1. Stop the OTAG Tomcat.
2. Delete all temporary files from /temp and /tmp folders.
3. Delete the database connection file from the /conf folder.
4. Delete all database tables in the OTAG database schema
5. Delete the OTAG Partition and Resource configurations in OTDS, leave the OAuth Client intact.
6. Start Tomcat and retry the installation.Thanks for your help!
Kind regards,
Bart Maes0
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