New patch for DAMLink OTMM Addon 10.5 SP1 available
Hello everyone,
welcome to this new forum for Digital Asset Management for SAP Solutions!
I’d like to use this new forum in this post to direct your attention to the availability of a new patch:
Since a few days a new patch was released for DAMLink OTMM Addon 10.5 SP1 (DAMLINK_OTMM-100501-001).
You can download the patch from here:
The patch provides the following improvements:
Recovery for failed OTMM Event Notifications (SAPDC-1305)
Simple Admin Interface for Event Notification Recovery (SAPDC-1304)
Change damlink ear service startup to avoid critical web service errors on context initialization (SAPDC-1370)
OTMM log overflow (SAPDC-1298)
The first two topics are especially important for every deployment using OTMM event notifications. With this patch event notifications that cannot be sent to the SAP system or to hybris are collected in a JMS error queue. They can then be re-sent when the cause of the failure is fixed.OTMM event notifications are used e.g. in the “automated update to latest version” feature of the hybris eCommerce integration, but can also be used for custom implementations.
Best regards,
Xaver Fischer
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