version update automatically
If a hybris attribute is set to automatically update version and then when the user goes into OTMM and checks-in a new version of the asset and if Hybris is down at that point, would the asset be not updated on Hybris side?
The asset update event would then retry to connect to hybris for a period. If that fails it would go into the JMS error queue which can be monitored with a simple HTTP interface on the DAM JBoss server (from where it needs to be manually re-sent).
From: eLink Entry: Discuss Digital Asset Management for SAP Solutions []
Sent: den 19 januari 2016 20:35
To: eLink Recipient
Subject: version update automaticallyPosted by Kosaraju, Niranjan On 01/19/2016 02:34 PM
If a hybris attribute is set to automatically update version and then when the user goes into OTMM and checks-in a new version of the asset and if Hybris is down at that point, would the asset be not updated on Hybris side?
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