Patch 2 for DAMLink hybris integration 1.5 SP1 available (DAMLINK_HYBRIS-010501-002)

Hello everyone,

since beginning of last week patch 2 is available for DAMLink hybris integration 1.5 SP1: DAMLINK_HYBRIS-010501-002.
The patch can be downloaded from here:

For details about the various bug fixes as well as new capabilities included in this patch see DAMLINK HYBRIS-010501-002 Description.pdf.

The new capabilities include amongst others:

  • Fixed issue in Asset Assignment Dialog with browsing OTMM folders with more than 10 assets marked for deletion.
  • Support of ftp server users (typically under Linux) that do not work in ftp root directory, but e.g. in their home directory.
  • Configuration option to limit metadata synchronization to a white list of hybris catalog versions.

Best regards,
Xaver Fischer