Need Widget to select Publishing Validation Policy
VERSION: 8.5 (Sent On behalf of client )
In the past we used to have three stages - Mgmt, Review and Live.
When we click on Publish button (Not the advanced publish) it always opened a Dialog which allowed us to select the Stage and change the Publishing validation policy as needed. Default publishing validation policy was selected as Moderate.
We have removed Review stage and we just have two stages now. Mgmt and Live.
Now when we click on Publish button (Not the advanced publish) it no longer provides us an option to pick the Publishing validation policy. It uses Moderate validation policy but doesn't give us an option to change it. In other words it doesn't show the Widget which allows us to change the Validation policy. If we use Advanced Publish option then that allows us to change the validation policy but we would like the same behavior with the Default Publish button.
How can the Override Validation Policy dropdown widget be displayed when using the default Publish button. ?
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