How to get list of users in a shtml template?
I've a form to select user from the user list or address book in collaboration, is there any specific template or function available for that feature.
You may look at tellpeople_contentSection.shtml for an example: addrBookButtonText = defaultAddrBookButtonText addrBookInputCtrlName = "emailRecipients" String sParentForm = "'emailShowOID'" String onClickExtras = "" show("addressBook_doSetButtonVar_Email.shtml") showText(getEmail(theUser))"/> Copy yourself on message (showText(getUserEmailAddress(theUser)))
You'll probably want to use "addressBook_doSetButtonVar_UserGroups.shtml" instead of the email picker.-Curtis________________________________________From: eLink Entry: Vignette Collaboration Developers Forum []Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 10:12 AMTo: eLink RecipientSubject: How to get list of users in a shtml template?How to get list of users in a shtml template? Posted by Arumugam, Saravanan On 09/06/2016 12:09 PMHi,I've a form to select user from the user list or address book in collaboration, is there any specific template or function available for that feature.thanks________________________________[To post a comment, use the normal reply function]Forum: Vignette Collaboration Developers ForumContent Server: Knowledge Center0
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