Integrate survey into website
Hi there,
we'd like to integrate a survey into a website which is managed by Web Experience Management. This includes the administration and evaluation of the survey within WEM. Is there any plugin or additional software which enables WEM to handle web surveys?
We also considered using an external service, but we would like to keep everything within WEM, if possible.
Have a nice day.
Hi Jared.
I don't know of any modules or utilities that are available in WEM for creating surveys. There used to be a Survey Portlet that was available for some older versions of Portal. If you are using Portal in Delivery, this might be a solution for you. The portlet used to be available on the old Vignette Code Exchange, but I am not entirely sure how to get ahold of the bits now. Perhaps someone else who reads this post could point us to it. Otherwise, you might need to investigate the 3rd party option.
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