Help to Clearing Delivery Cache based on WEMID
Hi All,
Is there any OOTB option available to clearing delivery Cache by using RCRD? Currently we are clearing "Delivery Page cache" from Preview site and its clearing cache for entire page.
I am looking something like below:
Hi Jay,
There is a executable cache util jar (cacheFile.jar) that may be able to help you with your question. This util will identify what the location and cache file is for a single instance object and then you can go and delete it.
Works something like the below
C:\>java -cp cacheFile.jar cacheFile
Please enter Stage NameVgnSampleSite
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KEY:: VgnSampleSite_Lsq00L000000000000000000000000000000RCRD
C:\afc\3a8\affa828527039106c09191b4daae0d17.serHope that helps.
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