Unable to Rendering WEM CI's Name in the Browser Title
Currently we are using <title> tag in the body section to assign Content Name (In Display View). But We want to move the <title> tag from body to head. In Portal Grid component, I tried but I couldnt get the Contnet Name (Followed DPM developer guide Page#58).
Kinldy please help me to fix this issue.
You will need to use a cross context include to a jsp in templating context "/vgn-ext-templating/partial/head.jsp"In the head.jsp in teamplating webapp you will use initalize the RequestContext object and then get the handle to Primary Content and read title from it to render the <title> tagI hope this makes sense.Best RegardsQutubuddin Saifuddin
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Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:31 AM
To: eLink Recipient
Subject: Unable to Rendering WEM CI's Name in the Browser TitleUnable to Rendering WEM CI's Name in the Browser Title Posted by Ponnusamy, Jayaram On 08/17/2017 03:29 AM
Hi,Currently we are using <title> tag in the body section to assign Content Name (In Display View). But We want to move the <title> tag from body to head. In Portal Grid component, I tried but I couldnt get the Contnet Name (Followed DPM developer guide Page#58).Kinldy please help me to fix this issue. ThanksJayaram[To post a comment, use the normal reply function] Forum: Discussion Group - Web Experience Management Content Server: Knowledge Center CS16 0 -
Hi Qutub,
I created a jsp (head.jsp) and placed it in sites.war (vgn-ext-templating) but getting null value only. like Dynamic Portal & Dynamic Site Developer's guide chapter 5.3.1 but it didnt work. Kindly please help
head.jsp (placed it in sites.war)
<%@ page import="java.io.*" %><%@ page import="java.lang.*" %><%@page import="com.vignette.as.client.javabean.ContentInstance"%><%@page import="com.vignette.ext.templating.util.PageUtil"%><%@ page import="com.vignette.ext.templating.util.RequestContext" %><%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext" %><%@ page import="java.io.*,java.util.Locale" %><%@ page import="java.util.*" %><%@ page import="java.util.ResourceBundle" %><%@ page import="com.vignette.as.client.common.ref.AsLocaleRef" %><%@ page import="com.vignette.ext.templating.util.PageUtil" %><%@ page import="com.vignette.as.client.javabean.Channel" %><%@page import="com.vignette.as.client.javabean.ContentInstance"%><%RequestContext rc = PageUtil.getCurrentRequestContext(pageContext);ContentInstance theMainInstance = (ContentInstance)rc.getPrimaryRequestedObject();// String title = theMainInstance.getAttributeValue("title");Object ob=theMainInstance.getAttributeValue("title");//Object ob="title";String title = ob.toString();%>ThanksJay0 -
Its Working
Quoted Jayaram Ponnusamy on 09/11/2017 01:05 PM:Hi Qutub,
I created a jsp (head.jsp) and placed it in sites.war (vgn-ext-templating) but getting null value only. like Dynamic Portal & Dynamic Site Developer's guide chapter 5.3.1 but it didnt work. Kindly please help
head.jsp (placed it in sites.war)
<%@ page import="java.io.*" %><%@ page import="java.lang.*" %><%@page import="com.vignette.as.client.javabean.ContentInstance"%><%@page import="com.vignette.ext.templating.util.PageUtil"%><%@ page import="com.vignette.ext.templating.util.RequestContext" %><%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext" %><%@ page import="java.io.*,java.util.Locale" %><%@ page import="java.util.*" %><%@ page import="java.util.ResourceBundle" %><%@ page import="com.vignette.as.client.common.ref.AsLocaleRef" %><%@ page import="com.vignette.ext.templating.util.PageUtil" %><%@ page import="com.vignette.as.client.javabean.Channel" %><%@page import="com.vignette.as.client.javabean.ContentInstance"%><%RequestContext rc = PageUtil.getCurrentRequestContext(pageContext);ContentInstance theMainInstance = (ContentInstance)rc.getPrimaryRequestedObject();// String title = theMainInstance.getAttributeValue("title");Object ob=theMainInstance.getAttributeValue("title");//Object ob="title";String title = ob.toString();%>ThanksJay0
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