Migration of Database for Documentum 16.4 from Oracle 12c to Sql Server


Dear All,

we want to change our database from oracle to sql, we have decided following approach.

1) Setup Sql Server
2) Migrate Schema and Data using SSMA tool from oracle to SQL
3) Setup Content Server and create repository using migrated database.

Now the problem is documentum expects SQL Server in case sensitive mode, while migrating schema from oracle to sql all tables and columns are getting converted to UPPER case in sql server and when I am setting up repository using migrated schema documentum creating duplicate tables in lower case.

Any idea how can we migrate from oracle to sql using SSMA and migrate schema in lower ?


  • Last time I evaluated SSMA, we discovered issues with conversion of date attributes from Ora to SQL also. As pointed by others, consider a migration utility or contacting Professional Services.

    Syed Haque

  • You may want to consider an OpenText solution called ContentBridge. This has functionality to read from one Documentum system and import to another. So you could have your original as the source and setup a new repository with your target OS/DB as your target repository.

    Russell Kavanagh
    Documentum SME | Opentext

  • SandipDabhade
    edited November 14, 2019 #4

    With SSMA and Stored procedures i managed to migrate schema, data and converted the names,columns in lower case

  • SandipDabhade
    edited November 14, 2019 #6

    Getting this error while start