Ability to Abort a Workflow or Delegate the work for an activity

We have a workflow in D2 implemented using Workflow Manager. Each activity's performer has the option to Delegate the activity's work to someone else, configured in the Workflow Manager. This is working fine. However, our client's requirement is that users of a particular group should be able to delegate any task in that workflow (from D2 Workflow Widget). Is this possible? and what privileges/permissions do we need for that group or for users in that group? They also would like to have the ability to abort the workflow. This ability (to abort or delegate a task) is required regardless of the question if users in that group are participants in the workflow or not?


  • By default, the user must be a workflow supervisor, sysadmin or superuser to abort a workflow.

    Russell Kavanagh
    Documentum SME | Opentext

  • I cant speak to ability to configure D2 Workflow Widget to delegate for any task, but for the abort workflow, you can try creating custom attribute on the package (or even repurpose existing package attribute) and write a server method that looks for this custom value to abort the workflow. Since server method can be configured to run as install owner, the server method will have ability to abort the workflow since its a superuser.

  • Delegate feature is in D2. Aborting is a content server feature and requires the above permissions. Write a method that runs as server and wrap that into a D2 Lifecycle action. Then you can invoke that using your D2 menu at any place as needed.

    Syed Haque