OTMM Mobile app install error on AppWorks Gateway
Hi all,
i've succesfully installed OTAG release 16.5 on RHEL and HANA database but, when i try to install the OTMM-Mobile-App (release 0.9.0 or 0.9.2) i got the following error in gateway file (i've attached all the Tomcat logs files):
2019-11-29 18:03:27,8922019-11-29T18:03:27,892 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] ERROR api.util.RestHelper - Internal Error - java.io.IOException: Stream closed
com.opentext.otag.exception.OTAGException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed
at com.opentext.otag.services.impl.AppInstallerServiceImpl.preinstallApp(AppInstallerServiceImpl.java:324) ~[classes/:?]
at com.opentext.otag.services.impl.AppInstallerServiceImpl.preinstall(AppInstallerServiceImpl.java:132) ~[classes/:?]
at com.opentext.otag.api.service.impl.AppsBeanImpl.preinstallAppOrBundle(AppsBeanImpl.java:541) ~[classes/:?]
at com.opentext.otag.api.endpoints.admin.AppsResource.lambda$preinstallAppOrBundle$4(AppsResource.java:130) ~[classes/:?]
at com.opentext.otag.api.util.RestHelper.doRun(RestHelper.java:35) [classes/:?]
at com.opentext.otag.api.endpoints.admin.AppsResource.preinstallAppOrBundle(AppsResource.java:128) [classes/:?]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_191]
The gateway will interact with a remote OTMM rel 16.3 and use a remote OTDS.
Thanks for your help.
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Dear Andrea, Kindly share the resolution steps as well.
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