am working on xCP automation framework but i get stuck .Find below the error message when executing the step :
****org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 120 seconds waiting for com.emc.xcp.automation.core.driver.model.impl.BrowserControllerImpl$2@3f07b12c****
i need your help to move forward.
Thank you.


  • What are you trying to do in xCP when you execute the step?

  • Hello,
    thank for your quick reply.
    not in xCP but in story made up by a step of steps.
    xCP Automation framework use JBehave stories to create script for automation.
    for my case that is in the step where a login should be done that i get the issue.
    see below the story and the step where i get step
    Scenario: Connection of pgi_dc
    Given I am logged in with user id dc and password 123 at: http://http://localhost:8080/{my_project}/signin.jsp (i get blocked here)
    And I sleep for 180 seconds
    Then user with id dc is logged in
    Then I am on page cms_home

  • Ok, we are using standard selenium (and not xCPTAF) to create validation tests. We use native selenium webdrivers to log in:

    System.setProperty("webdriver.edge.driver", "drivers/MicrosoftWebDriver.exe");
    WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();
    log.debug("Started session");
    WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 90);
    Test.navigate(driver, wait, log);
    Test.signIn("user_name", "password", driver, wait, log);