Custum Listener
I have a static file named “SiteMap.xml”. When I publish this file, I want to create a Listener that intercept the publish job, change the content of the file (with a function that I created) and then publish it.
So I have some questions:
• How can I intercept the publish job of this file?
• Which function allow me to get the static file?
• In my Listener Java class, the event has to be an instanceOf what?
• In the configConsole, which event should I modify to add my Listener class?
PS: the function that I created Is going to get the channels of a site, some channel’s ContentAssociations and their ManagedObject, so my listener should be on the Management Stage so that I can get all these information ,am I correct?
Thanks in advance for your response and Happy New Year !!
Best regards
Do you want to Change the XML before your publish?
You need to change the XML after it is published to delivery stage.
In either case you should not be modifying the xml outside of persistence events. Also static file deployment can be extended on the delivery da side provided da has subscribed for static files. Same can be done via custom shell script.
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