Appworks platform Monitor is not ready for the application server instance
Solution:- Add double quotes to the ImagePath in regedit.
quit the regedit.
Restart the services.
Hi Ravi kiran,
What is the Process Platfrom version?
What is the OS version?
0 -
Hi Sunil,
I got this problem while installing the AppWorks 16.7 on Windows 10. A couple of times, I got the same problem.
Ravi0 -
Hello @Ravi_Kiran_Chatrathi,
Thanks for posting the solution.
I have the same problem but I do not have an entry with "Cordys Monitor default" in the mentioned path, any idea what could be missing?
0 -
The error we are getting is the same.
However, I'm not able to implement the suggested solution because there is no Cordys Monitor default in the registry. Our issue seems similar to the issue of Mohammed Amer from January 2.
How to solve the issue in that case ?
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