OpenText TeamSite 20.2 is Now Available.
Hi everyone,
ICYMI, OpenText TeamSite 20.2 is now available if you'd like to check it out! There are some cool developer features, and new capabilities around testing, targeting and cloud audiences. The Enhanced Targeting is definitely worth a look as you just use a toolbar at the top to switch variants and can select segments much easier. Lots of customers were asking for improvements to Permalink for localization, so that feature was enhanced as well. Here is an overview blog and the release notes in case you need them! For a demo of the new release, please register for our upcoming customer webinar on June 24 at 11 a.m. ET.
Jacqui Newell
Sr Product Marketing Manager
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- Docker Automation
- LiveSite Content Services (LSCS) REST API
- Single Page Application (SPA) Modules
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If you are interested in gaining full access to the content, you can register for a My Support account here.