Integrating LSCS with PLC workflow
I am trying to configure LSCS runtime deployment with PLC workflow on 16.4 version of TeamSite. The PLC is able to publish content to Solr but it's not able to run the commit plc conf, following error is shown .
WorkFlow Job ID: , Workflow Task ID: 1310368
Workflow User Session String:
2020-07-01 15:23:43.520 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-36] - API: User: XXXXXX, role: od-user. Request app: APP_ODWEBSVC. Using shared key file
2020-07-01 15:23:43.520 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-36] - API: Requested start of deployment lscs/commit-deploy-plc_kc3rywqfkc3rywqg911d281f7142308e923a279802196f09
2020-07-01 15:23:43.520 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-36] - API: od-user XXXXXX does not have deployment lscs/commit-deploy-plc_kc3rywqfkc3rywqg in the allow deployment list.
2020-07-01 15:23:43.520 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-36] - API: Request denied. User: XXXXXX, login role: od-user, deployment: lscs/commit-deploy-plc_kc3rywqfkc3rywqg, request: START_DEPLOY
2020-07-01 15:23:43.535 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-36] - WS1: Details: message: REQUEST_DENIED
Request denied: START_DEPLOY
Item: lscs/commit-deploy-plc_kc3rywqfkc3rywqg
2020-07-01 15:23:43.567 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-37] - WS1: Web Service requesting start of deployment lscs/rollback with patameters: Deployment name: lscs/rollback, Deployment name suffix (instance name): 911d281f7142308e923a279802196f09, Deployment logging level: VERBOSE, Verify option setting: false, Repair option setting: false, Synchronous flag: true
Key=value pairs: [sourceHost=localhost, destinationNode=lscs-preproduction, destinationArea=/app/Interwoven/LSCS/lscsrt-store, deploymentContextId=911d281f7142308e923a279802196f09, dummySourceLocation=C:/Interwoven/LiveSiteCSAuth/authoring/tmp/dummysource, dummyTargetLocation=/app/Interwoven/LSCS/lscsrt-store/dummytarget, lscsRuntimeTransport=http, lscsRuntimeHostname=localhost, lscsRuntimePort=1876, lscsRuntimeContext=lscs, lscsRuntimeKeyStore=null, lscsRuntimeKeyStoreType=null, lscsRuntimeKeyStorePassword=null, lscsRuntimeTrustStore=null, lscsRuntimeTrustStoreType=null, lscsRuntimeTrustStorePassword=null, lscsRuntimeProtocolHandler=${StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeProtocolHandler}, fileList=C:/Interwoven/TeamSite/tmp/LiveSite/workflow/kc3rywqh/WebRoot.kc3rywqhkc3rywqi.filelist, area=/default/main/public/WORKAREA/estudio, Area=/default/main/public/WORKAREA/estudio, areaFileSystemPath=Y:/default/main/public/WORKAREA/estudio, targetNode=null, targetArea=C://Interwoven//LiveSiteDisplayServices//runtime//web]
Project ID:
OpenDeployNG/conf sub-directory: , Scheduled deployment flag: false
WorkFlow model file name:
WorkFlow model display name:
WorkFlow Job ID: , Workflow Task ID: 1310368
Workflow User Session String:
2020-07-01 15:23:43.567 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-37] - API: User: XXXXXX, role: od-user. Request app: APP_ODWEBSVC. Using shared key file
2020-07-01 15:23:43.567 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-37] - API: Requested start of deployment lscs/rollback911d281f7142308e923a279802196f09
2020-07-01 15:23:43.567 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-37] - API: od-user XXXXXX does not have deployment lscs/rollback in the allow deployment list.
2020-07-01 15:23:43.567 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-37] - API: Request denied. User: XXXXXX, login role: od-user, deployment: lscs/rollback, request: START_DEPLOY
2020-07-01 15:23:43.567 GMT-0700 serverLog [Thread-37] - WS1: Details: message: REQUEST_DENIED
Request denied: START_DEPLOY
Item: lscs/rollback
I also try to add user to od-users list and added to the deployments as well but no luck.
Any help pointers how to resolve,.
Thank you.
Key point: API: Request denied. User: XXXXXX, login role: od-user, deployment: lscs/rollback, request: START_DEPLOY
OD has authentication, users are allowed to execute deployments, this user is not listed in OD as a user and likely does not have access to the required deployments. You can make the user an od-admin (with the admin GUI or the CLT iwodauthorize)0 -
Thank you Andy0
Thank you Andy0
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