Hyper link BIRT report is not loading in TRIRIGA 3.5.1
When I import the Hyperlink Report in TRIRIGA using the document manager, then the detail report is displaying the Blank page but the master is running fine.
Note: The BIRT reports are built on SQL Queries.
Can anyone have any idea about this issue that how to import the hyperlink birt reports in TRIRIGA?
Note: The BIRT reports are built on SQL Queries.
Can anyone have any idea about this issue that how to import the hyperlink birt reports in TRIRIGA?
The BIRT Designer User Guide for your version will have information about creating hyperlinks in BIRT. However, the TRIRIGA documentation and forums are more likely to address this issue. I found this link which might be helpful:Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipb0
Found this error in the server log when run the hyperlink birt report in TRIRIGA.[com.tririga.platform.birt.runtime.resource.impl.NestedTableInFooterCleanupImpl](Default Executor-thread-10803) An error occurred while trying to process a BIRT report design for nested tables in footers. [birtReportDesignFileName=Work_Task_Report.rptdesign][MID-3569424804]com.tririga.platform.error.PlatformRuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.birt.report.model.metadata.PeerExtensionElementDefn cannot be cast to com.tririga.platform.birt.api.org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.metadata.
Anybody saw this error before?0
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