Combining static and dynamic columns in a BIRT report
I'm interested in using a crosstab to combine a a set of dynamic and static columns. A similar question was asked previously at but I am unable to see the attachments.
The only way I found to do this was to create a multi-level group/dimension on the cube which contains the static attributes that I would like displayed, and then I click Show/Hide Group levels on the crosstab and tick each attribute from which I want a column generated. So if I have 10 columns/attributes, then I need to create a group/dimension which is 10 levels deep.
I'm wondering if there is a better way to solve this kind of problem?
Unfortunately, the old attachments were lost when the website was rebuilt. Attached is a different approach that only took a few minutes to create. I added a table and a cross tab, and then tweaked the formatting to make it look like one element. The report was created in 4.8. I hope it is helpful.
Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipb0
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