Multiply data in Row
Vineet Joshi
Hello All ,
Need help/ suggestion/ advise on this problem
I have this requirement to multiply all the data in the row and show the total at the end in table. Here r(1) is row 1 of table and so on. The row can increase and decrease.
I am open to idea of changing how data comes to solve this
r(1) 2
r(2) 3
r(3) 5
Total : 30 which is p(1)*p(2)*p(3)
Need help/ suggestion/ advise on this problem
I have this requirement to multiply all the data in the row and show the total at the end in table. Here r(1) is row 1 of table and so on. The row can increase and decrease.
I am open to idea of changing how data comes to solve this
r(1) 2
r(2) 3
r(3) 5
Total : 30 which is p(1)*p(2)*p(3)
Hi Vineet,Attached is an example that I created in 4.8. There is code in the row element to multiply the values and save the result. There is also code in the footer element to display the total.Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipb0
Thank you Jeff . It works exactly as I expected it to. I will have to tweak it to fit my requirement but It gives me great starting point.
Thank you again0
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