modify SOAP Header on BPM response - BPM interceptor
I have a BPM WS that is called by a external customer.
The process in Appworks works fine, but the response contains a tag "header" that is a problem for the customer XML validation.
Is there a way to remove that tag from the "SOAP:Header" response?
Is there a BPM Interceptor, like UDDI
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""> <SOAP:Header xmlns:SOAP=""> <header xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns=""> <msg-id>000D3AD8-054C-A1EB-9ADD-D703A6D9FC2F</msg-id> <messageoptions noreply="true"/> </header> </SOAP:Header> <SOAP:Body>.....</SOAP:Body>
Cross reference same post in My Support:
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response from post in My Support:
Hi @Armanno_Giuseppe, there is no options in AppWorks Platform to not have the SOAP header being sent in the SOAP response. AppWorks always sends the Header in the response.
This discussion has been closed.
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