we need to expose an API from appworks to integrate it with external systems. We prepared YAML files for our REST interfaces and the interface will look like this:
/api/Customers - GET - Returns all customers
/api/Customers/123 - GET - Returns a customer with ID 123
/api/Customers/123 - POST - Updates a customer
Our idea is to expose this rest interface and this interface will internally call a business process to handle the business logic. This interface will also convert the JSON data to XML and pass the data to the business process as an input message.
This service should be configurable, so, for example, can consume the YAML file, dynamically expose rest endpoints, validate requests, and using a custom attribute in the YAML file will call the corresponding business process.
Finally question: How to develop this functionality? Should it be an app in Appworks Gateway / Custom service container /custom WAR in AppWorks (something like BPMService.war )