New Documentation available - AppWorks Service Development Kit

Karen Weir
Karen Weir E Community Administrator
edited March 10, 2021 in AppWorks #1

AppWorks SDK now available!

AppWorks services are server-side applications that typically provide support for AppWorks managed mobile applications (AppWorks apps), forming part of a wider mobile solution. They are deployed by the AppWorks Gateway within its host container (Apache Tomcat 8) along with the aforementioned apps.

AppWorks services are written in Java (Java 8) using standard Java web technology (Servlets, etc.). They are structured in the same way as a standard Java WAR (Web application archive), utilizing WEB-INF/web.xml to configure the web application when deployed. Details on the structure and requirements for an AppWorks service are discussed in the service checklist section.

AppWorks services can also be used independently, they do not need to be part of a mobile solution at all. They are as flexible and useful as you wish to make them. Java has a rich well established eco-system to exploit, and AppWorks services can be strategically deployed in key positions within your OpenText solution architecture.

Click here to access the SDK
