DRL accessibility on WDK

edited March 15, 2021 in Documentum #1

Hi All,

I am new to WDK customization. I am trying to access the DRL component from WDK layer. I have added the drl component xml and jsp's to my custom folder.

Still I am unable to access the component. Could you please anyone help and provide your guidance on this issue?



  • You don't need to add the DRL component to your custom folder unless you want to override the default behavior.

    What exactly is the problem ? You should probably first try to fetch the DRL if a test document (e.g. via Properties page) and then try to access it.

  • Azarsuhai2991
    edited March 15, 2021 #3

    Thanks for responding. I have a wdk.war and i deployed it on tomcat. When i try to access the DRL and test with one document's object id, I am getting the error message pop up "401, URL is not authenticated:".

    the tag <url-addressable-enabled/> is present in drl component xml on wdk layer. but still i am getting the url authentication issue. The below is the url i am trying to access:


  • Did you clear your cache on the app server? Any time you update any of the component xml, you need to clear cache on app server. Some of the app servers do not automatically do this when you redeploy WAR.

  • The syntax for DRLs is http://localhost:8080/wdk/drl/objectId/0903944780015934

    And you can add optional parameters such as format, page, etc, e.g. http://localhost:8080/wdk/drl/objectId/0903944780015934/format/pdf

    Like I wrote before, get the DRL from the properties page of your document.

  • I can access above DRL from webtop application. but i have vanilla wdk.war and deployed it on tomcat and i don't have any customization there in custom layer.

    I couldn't access none of the WDK components. Even login page itself is not coming up on the browser. Did i miss any configuration or do i have to customize the DRL component in order to access it from wdk layer?

  • I am not familiar with wdk.war; try deploying webtop.war. Webtop is application that is built on WDK.