Site Update - New experience to learn about Information Management Capabilities
New experience from the site home page now available!
Your feedback:
Insights received from the community as well as interviews, indicated that the tiles on the home page were not intuitive enough to understand what they offer nor which one your product/service can be located.
What we have done:
Each of the tiles on the home page now present you with a full description of the Information Management Capability, as well as a listing of all products and services organized within.
In addition, clicking on the product or service name will lead you to the section within the page that contains a more in-depth description along with quick access to the APIs, Documentation, and key featured resources.
Here is a quick look at what we have created for you:
See it in action!
What's next:
There is more working currently being done to this experience. We are scoping a new product lookup to help you quickly locate the product/service you need; additionally we are working on performance and design enhancements to improve the experience. Stay tuned!
Also, we will be creating a spot here in the community where you can add or vote on existing ideas to improve the website.
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